A webstore dedicated to minor key comic books Dismiss

DC Back Issues

Batman #610


Hush part 3: The Beast

DC Back Issues

Batman #614


Classic battle Batman vs Joker. Hush part 7: The Joke

DC Back Issues

Brave New World #1


One-shot preview of upcoming titles and characters. First appearance of Ryan Choi.

DC Back Issues

DC Comics Presents #52


First appearance of Ambush Bug.


First cameo appearance of Lodestone.

DC Back Issues

Doom Patrol #4


First full appearance of Lodestone in costume.

DC Back Issues

Doom Patrol #14


First appearance of Dorothy Spinner.


Death of Mr. Terrific.


First team appearance of the All Star Squadron. First appearance of Danette Reilly. Origin of Red Tornado.


Deadpool arrives in the DC Universe.


First appearance of Damien Darhk. Both main cover "A" and rare variant cover "B" included.

DC Back Issues

Young Justice #1


First ongoing solo title featuring Young Justice.


First brief cameo appearance of the Dead King (Atlan). First appearance of Murk.


First full cameo appearance of the Dead King.  

DC Back Issues

Captain Atom #1


First appearance of Captain Atom and General Wade Eiling.

DC Back Issues

Superman #1


Reintroduction and origin of Metallo.


Cover appearance of Deathstroke.

DC Back Issues

Wonder Woman #17


Reintroduction of Circe.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #52


Death of Black Mask, shot by Catwoman. Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #54


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #57


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #59


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #60


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #68


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #193


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #195


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #197


Cover by Adam Hughes.

DC Back Issues

Batman #486


First appearance Shondra Kinsolving.

DC Back Issues

Batman Annual #17


First appearance of Ballistic.


First appearance of Victor Zsasz. First appearance of Jeremiah Arkham. Premier issue of Shadow of the Bat series.


Cameo appearance of the Kiss of Death.

DC Back Issues

Lois Lane #8


First full appearance of the Kiss of Death, an assassin.

Adam Hughes

Batgirl #2


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Batgirl #3


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Batgirl #4


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Batgirl #6


Adam Hughes cover.


Complete set of four issues, all featuring early Adam Hughes covers.

DC Back Issues

Action Comics #689


Resurrection of Superman. Debut of Superman's black suit, intended to aid in his regeneration


Secret files and origins.

Awesome Covers

New Gods #1


Volume 2, #1. Features wraparound cover by Jack Kirby.


First appearance of Mister Melmoth, King of Sheeda

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #0


"Point of No Return".

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #1


"Kicked in the Teeth" featuring Deadshot, El Diablo, Black Spider, King Shark, Yo-Yo, Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, Voltaic, Savant. Second printing "red" cover.

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #2


"When the Levee Breaks" featuring Deadshot, El Diablo, Black Spider, King Shark, Yo-Yo, Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Voltaic, Caley Burns.

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #3


"Last Chance" featuring Deadshot, El Diablo, Black Spider, King Shark, Yo-Yo, Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Mad Dog.

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #4


"Bad Company" featuring Deadshot, El Diablo, King Shark, Yo-Yo, Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang.

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #5


"Abandon All Hope" featuring Deadshot, El Diablo, Black Spider, King Shark, Yo-Yo, Amanda Waller, Harley Quinn.


Premiere issue of the first titled Deathstroke series.


First appearance of Geist.


First appearance of Elvira in comic books. Special issue celebrating Halloween hosted by Elvira.


Issue #1 of "Raising Cain" story. Leatherface featured on cover.


First full cameo appearance of Circe.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #153


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #160


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #177


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #191


Cover by Adam Hughes.

Adam Hughes

Rose & Thorn #1


Cover by Adam Hughes.


First appearance of Cardinal Sin. First appearance of Samaritan.


First appearance of Joe Public.


First team appearance of Birds of Prey: Black Canary and Oracle.

DC Back Issues

Catwoman #4


First full appearance of Clayface VI.


Conclusion of the 4-part crossover series.

Adam Hughes

Batgirl #1


Return of Barbara Gordon as Batgirl (formerly Oracle). First appearance of the Mirror.

Adam Hughes

Catwoman #83


Cover art by Adam Hughes. This issue was published 17 months after issue #82 as a tie-in to the 'Blackest Night' storyline.

DC Back Issues

Batman #40


"Death" of Batman and the Joker.

DC Back Issues

Birds of Prey #56


First appearance of Savant.


"Last Days of Gotham" Part 1 of 2. Tony Daniel 1:10 ratio variant.


Death of Karate Kid.

Awesome Covers

Lois Lane #84


"Lois Lane, Convict!" Neal Adams cover. Low grade, tape on cover.


First appearance of Vigilante in costume. First appearance of Lyla Michaels, later becomes Harbinger. First appearance of Cheshire, a deadly assassin. Upper mid-grade.

DC Back Issues

Nightwing #1


Premier issue of Volume 2. First mention of Bludhaven.

DC Back Issues

Stars and STRIPE #1


Origin of Star Spangled Kid, Courtney Whitmore. First appearance of Cindy Burman, later becomes Shiv.


First appearance of Commander Steel, Hank Heywood Sr.

DC Back Issues

Steel #1 (Vol.2)


First appearance of Natasha Irons (becomes Steel).

Awesome Covers

Steel #1 Annual (Vol.2)


First cover art by Humberto Ramos.


First cameo appearance of Jericho, son of Deathstroke (hair only in one panel). First appearance of Adeline Wilson, mother of Jericho and Deathstroke's ex.


First full appearance of Jericho (as Joseph).


Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing (first appearance). Joseph adopts the name Jericho. Origin of Deathstroke and Jericho. This copy is slightly higher than mid-grade.

DC Back Issues

Teen Titans Go! #1


Premiere issue in the style of the Cartoon Network animated series.

Awesome Covers

Wonder Woman #1


New origin of Wonder Woman. Reintroduction of Ares and Hippolyta. Origin of Hippolyta and Antiope. Wraparound cover art by George Perez.

DC Back Issues

Wonder Woman #15


First appearance of the second Silver Swan. Volume 2.

Adam Hughes

Legionnaires #7


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Legionnaires #13


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Rose & Thorn #2


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Rose & Thorn #3


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Rose & Thorn #6


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #157


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #161


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #166


Adam Hughes cover.

Adam Hughes

Wonder Woman #176


Adam Hughes cover.

DC Back Issues

Green Lantern #4


First appearance of Green Lantern Corps members B'dg, Brokk, Grumb and Lok Neboora

DC Back Issues

Green Lantern #43


Prologue issue to the Blackest Night story arc. Black Hand becomes a Black Lantern, reanimated corpses selected to represent the deadly corps.

Alex Ross

JSA #57


Alex Ross cover featuring Black Adam.

DC Back Issues

Shadowpact #1


1st appearance of Kid Karnevil.

DC Back Issues

Suicide Squad #15


Death of Bud and Lou.


Error edition: page 19 comes before page 18. Award-winning "Midsummer Night's Dream" issue.

DC Back Issues

Superboy #1


Premiere issue of ongoing series.

DC Back Issues

Action Comics #687


First full appearance of the Eradicator, referred to as The Last Son of Krypton. Introduction of the Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix, the technology that would resurrect Superman.


Four-issue crossover. Issue #2 published by Marvel.

DC Back Issues

Batman Incorporated #8


Death of Robin, Damian Wayne.

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