A webstore dedicated to minor key comic books Dismiss


Debut of Patricia Trayce new Vigilante costume.

DC Back Issues

Superman #78


First full appearance of Cyborg Superman, formerly Hank Henshaw who blames Superman for the loss of his wife and the mutilation of his human body.

DC Back Issues

Action Comics #583


Written by Alan Moore titled "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" part 2.

DC Back Issues

Justice League #1


First appearance of Maxwell Lord.


First appearance of Sodam Yat, later introduced as Ion, prophesied to be the Ultimate Green Lantern. First team appearance of the Children of the White Lobe, prophesied to contribute to the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps. First appearance of Qull of the Five Inversions, a demon who foreshadowed the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps to Abin Sur.

Alan Moore

V For Vendetta #1


Premier issue of the Alan Moore classic. Reprinted from British publication Warrior magazine. Mid-grade +.

DC Back Issues

Batman #0


Origin of Batman. New 52.


Batman #1


Premiere issue of the second volume of the Batman title. First cameo appearance of Harper Row, later becomes Bluebird.

DC Back Issues

Batman #2


First appearance of The Talon, William Cobb, an assassin for the Court of Owls and the great-grandfather of Dick Grayson. First printing. New 52.


First cameo team appearance of The Court of Owls. First appearance of Luka Volk and the Whisper Gang.

DC Back Issues

Batman #21


First appearance of Duke Thomas, later becomes The Signal, protégé of Batman who patrols Gotham by day.

DC Back Issues

Batman #442


First appearance of Tim Drake in the classic Robin costume.

Awesome Covers

Batman #612


Classic battle Batman vs Superman. Cover art by Jim Lee.


"Crisis on Infinite Earths" part 3. 2nd cameo appearance of Anti-Monitor.

DC Back Issues

Green Lantern #176


First appearance of the DemolitionTeam: Steamroller, Jackhammer, Hardhat, Rosie and Scoopshovel.

Alex Ross

JSA #81


Cover art by Alex Ross featuring Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E.

Awesome Covers

Supergirl #1


Premier issue of Vol. 2.

Awesome Covers

Superman #123


First appearance of "electric blue" Superman. Glow-in-the-dark cover (direct edition)..

DC Back Issues

Superman Batman #22


First cameo appearance of Batman Beyond outside of the DC Animated Universe of comic books


Marriage of Superman and Lois Lane. Interior art depicts a number of past Superman creators attending the wedding which is officiated by Jerry Siegel. Silver trade dress (doesn't not show up well on scan).  Square bound. Includes faux invitation to the wedding.


Features cover homage to horror film poster for "The Exorcist".

2nd Printing

Superman #625


Second printing with "sketch" cover by Michael Turner. "Godfall, Part 2 of 6: Unravel"

DC Back Issues

Batwoman #1


First appearance of Jake Kane, The Weeping Woman, Director Bones, Cameron Chase.

DC Back Issues

Robin #126


Stephanie Brown (formerly Spoiler) becomes Robin,


Non-canon, alternate reality precursor to DC's "Elseworlds" imprint, this story pits Batman against Jack the Ripper.

2nd Appearance

Blue Devil #1


2nd appearance and origin of the Blue Devil.

DC Back Issues

Booster Gold #1


First appearance of Booster Gold, and his sidekick Skeets. First appearance of Blackguard.

DC Back Issues

Flash #1


Wally West as the Flash in his own title. Premier issue of Volume 2 of The Flash.

DC Back Issues

Lucifer #1


Premier issue of Volume 1.

DC Back Issues

M.A.S.K. #1


Premier issue of 4-part mini-series, featuring the Mobile Armored Strike Kommand (MASK). Mid-grade.


Robin, issues 1 of 5, through 5 of 5. First appearances of Lynx and King Snake.

DC Back Issues

Zatanna: Everyday Magic


Written by Paul Dini. Artwork by Brian Bolland. Prestige format.

DC Back Issues

Brightest Day #14


First appearance of Batman as a White Lantern. Cover has multiple creases.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #875


Part of Scott Snyder's run on Detective Comics that began with Black Mirror.

DC Back Issues

Superman Batman #87


Final issue of series. Scarce.

DC Back Issues

Batman #436


First appearance of Tim Drake. This copy is poor to fair condition.

Awesome Covers

Catwoman #13


Die-cut cover featuring the Joker.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #872


First appearance of The Dealer.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #873


Part three of "Black Mirror" story. Artwork and cover by Jock.


First modern age cameo of Seven Sins.

2nd Printing

Suicide Squad #1


First appearance of this version of the Suicide Squad: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, King Shark.

DC Back Issues

Superman #700


Milestone issue #700.

DC Back Issues

Titans #1


First appearance of Damien Darhk.

Awesome Covers

Batman #531


Features glow-in-the-dark cover.

DC Back Issues

Batman #535


First appearance of the Ogre.

DC Back Issues

Batman #550


First appearance of Cameron Chase. First appearance of Claything.

DC Back Issues

Batman #579


First appearance of Orca.


First appearance of Victor Zsasz. First appearance of Jeremiah Arkham.


First appearances of Lady Quark, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Lord Volt. Second appearance of John Constantine. Reader copy in poor condition.

DC Back Issues

Huntress #1


First appearance of Huntress, Helena Bertinelli.


Premier issue of ongoing series. Features blue "Combo-Pack" variant cover.

Alex Ross

Kingdom Come #2


New Justice League formed. First alternate reality appearances of Red Arrow, Red Tornado, and Atom Smasher. Damaged front cover.

DC Back Issues

Teen Titans #12


Ravager cuts out her own eye.


First appearance of Firestorm. First appearance of Danton Black.

DC Back Issues

Brave and the Bold #200


First appearance of the Outsiders. First appearance of Katana, Geoforce, and Halo.

DC Back Issues

Superman Adventures #5


First appearance of Livewire, based off of the animated series.

DC Back Issues

Batman ’66 #1


Batman and Robin drawn as they looked in the 1960's TV show.

DC Back Issues

Brave and the Bold #33


Prelude tie-in to Batman: The Killing Joke.


First appearance of Cassandra Cain as Batgirl.

2nd Appearance

Detective Comics #734


Second appearances of Cassandra Cain and David Cain.


Huntress becomes Batgirl.

DC Back Issues

Batman #567


First appearance of Cassandra Cain. First appearance of David Cain.


The Hulk battles Superman.

DC Back Issues

Isis #1


Comic book based on a Saturday morning TV show.

DC Back Issues

Zatanna Special #1


Special issue featuring Zatanna.

DC Back Issues

Young Justice #1


Issue #1 of first ongoing Young Justice title. Some spine damage below lower staple.

DC Back Issues

Brightest Day #10


First appearance of Deathstorm. Variant cover by Ivan Reis with HiFi.

Awesome Covers

Superman Batman #77


Cover features Damian Wayne and Supergirl.


Features "Father's Day" 2-part story written by Alan Moore.


First Cameo appearance of Anti-Monitor.


Origin of The Monitor, Anti-Monitor, Pariah, and Guardians of Oa. Death of Supergirl.


Death of Anti-Monitor, Dove, Robin, Green Arrow, Huntress, and Clayface.


Relaunch of Action Comics (new 52).


Second cameo appearance of the Court of Owls.


First full appearance of the Seven Sins (in the modern age).


First appearance of Nightrunner. Cover by Artgerm.


First appearance of Atlas. Created by Jack Kirby.


First appearance of the Greet Team: Commodore Murphy, J.P. Houston, Cecil Sunbeam.


First appearance of the Phantom of Washington.


First appearance of Lady Cop.


First appearance of Mark Shaw (Manhunter). Created by Jack Kirby.


First appearance of the Dingbats of Danger Street: Good Looks, Bananas, Krunch, and Non-Fat. Created by Jack Kirby.


First appearance of Warlord. First appearance of Tara Morgan and Deimos. Created by Mike Grell.


First appearance of Anubis. Origin of Doctor Fate.


First appearance of Codename Assassin.


First appearance of Blue Starman.


New Orion costume. Created by Jack Kirby.


First appearance of Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) in the DCU. First appearance of Parish. First full appearance of The Monitor.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #735


First appearance of Mercy Graves.


Batman Spawn


Crossover issue.

DC Back Issues

Batman #500


Features Azrael (as Batman) defeating Bane. Die-Cut cardstock variant cover.

Alan Moore

Swamp Thing #43


First appearance of Chester Williams. Written by Alan Moore. Artwork by Steve Bissette.


3-part DC / Dark Horse crossover series featuring Batman and Predator. All 3 issues included.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #854


First appearance of Alice. First appearance of Col. Jacob Kane.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #737


Third appearance of Harley Quinn in continuity.

DC Back Issues

JSA #1


Second appearance of Atom Smasher.

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