A webstore dedicated to minor key comic books Dismiss


Marriage of Hulk and Caiera.

First appearance

Uncanny X-Men #199


First appearance of Rachel Summers as the 2nd Phoenix. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants becomes the Freedom Force.

Key Stories

Uncanny X-Men #200


Magneto becomes headmaster Xavier's Academy. First mention of Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker using the name Fenris.

Key Stories

Uncanny X-Men #219


Havok joins The X-Men.

Key Stories

Invaders #24


First team-up of Golden Age Human Torch & Golden Age Sub-Mariner.

Key Stories

New Mutants #14


Illyana Rasputin joins The New Mutants.

Key Stories

Ghost Rider #76


Classic battle of Johnny Blaze vs Zarathos.

DC Back Issues

Wonder Woman #17


Reintroduction of Circe.

Key Stories

Avengers #221


She-Hulk joins the Avengers. Hawkeye rejoins the Avengers.

Key Stories

Avengers #227


Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) joins the Avengers becoming the first African-American female Avenger.


"Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut" part 1.


"Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut" part 2.

Key Stories

Thor #355


Buri, Thor's Grandfather, appears as Tiwaz. Tiwaz is one of few who can lift Mjolnir.

Awesome Covers

Avengers #314


Nebula obtains a powerful device that can eliminate the universe. Sersi joins the Avengers.

First appearance

Saga #2


First appearance of the Stalk. First appearance of Izabel.

Key Stories

Civil War #2


"Civil War" part 2. Spider-Man reveals his identity to the world.

DC Back Issues

Green Lantern #43


Prologue issue to the Blackest Night story arc. Black Hand becomes a Black Lantern, reanimated corpses selected to represent the deadly corps.


Error edition: page 19 comes before page 18. Award-winning "Midsummer Night's Dream" issue.

DC Back Issues

Action Comics #583


Written by Alan Moore titled "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" part 2.


"Crisis on Infinite Earths" part 3. 2nd cameo appearance of Anti-Monitor.

Dark Horse Back Issues

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi #1


Premier issue of 5-part miniseries that explores the galaxy far, far away, 4000 years before the events of the original 1978 film. Introduction of the Knights of the Old Republic timeline.

Key Stories

Avengers #263


Return of Jean Grey, appearing prior to the creation of X-Factor.

DC Back Issues

Flash #1


Wally West as the Flash in his own title. Premier issue of Volume 2 of The Flash.

Awesome Covers

Star Wars #81


Boba Fett escapes from the Sarlac pit.

Dark Horse Back Issues

Dark Horse Presents 100 #2


Contains a ten page Hellboy story, "The Chained Coffin". Cover by Bernie Wrightson.

Key Stories

Deadpool #4


Classic battle of Deadpool vs. the Hulk.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #873


Part three of "Black Mirror" story. Artwork and cover by Jock.


First appearances of Lady Quark, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Lord Volt. Second appearance of John Constantine. Reader copy in poor condition.

Alex Ross

Kingdom Come #2


New Justice League formed. First alternate reality appearances of Red Arrow, Red Tornado, and Atom Smasher. Damaged front cover.

Awesome Covers

Young Avengers #9


First cover appearance of Kate Bishop in Hawkeye costume.


Maximum Carnage event, part 5.

DC Back Issues

Brave and the Bold #33


Prelude tie-in to Batman: The Killing Joke.


First Cameo appearance of Anti-Monitor.


Origin of The Monitor, Anti-Monitor, Pariah, and Guardians of Oa. Death of Supergirl.


Death of Anti-Monitor, Dove, Robin, Green Arrow, Huntress, and Clayface.


First appearance of Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) in the DCU. First appearance of Parish. First full appearance of The Monitor.

First appearance

Spawn #3


First appearance of Cyan Fitzgerald.

DC Back Issues

Batman #500


Features Azrael (as Batman) defeating Bane. Die-Cut cardstock variant cover.


Maximum Carnage, part 9.

Key Stories

Young Avengers #2


Origin of Iron Lad. Cassie Lang has super-powers.

DC Back Issues

Detective Comics #854


First appearance of Alice. First appearance of Col. Jacob Kane.

DC Back Issues

JSA #1


Second appearance of Atom Smasher.


What if Venom had possessed The Punisher?

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